Vibrantly U 

Your trusted partner in a healthy, happy pregnancy & a beautiful birth experience!

Feeling anxious about pregnancy & birth?

Do you desire a safe & positive birth experience & it feels too scary to even think about it? 

Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the information, not sure where to find the information you need to help you have the birth you feel you desire? 

 You are in the right place!  

Join other parents-to-be who also understand the birth they desire & are are giving their baby the best start in life.  

Hi there gorgeous!  Your body is truly amazing, it's forming an entire human being - what a miraculous time for you!

It can also be a daunting & overwhelming time, trying to navigate your way through mountains of information. 

I truly believe that every women should have access to this vital, clinically proven, evidence based information that will enable you to have an amazing experience of pregnancy & birth!

I am passionate about helping parents-to-be navigate their way through this beautiful & vulnerable time in life.  Let's take this journey together to understand how you can support your body & feel in complete control of this magical time in your life! 
Click (above or below) to book your free call/coffee with me to have a chat & explore if this course is exactly what you have been looking for!

Mobile: 076 604 2228  Email: 

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      Having a healthy, happy pregnancy gives you the best chance of having a positive birth experience - which increases the ease of breast feeding, reduces the possibility of post natal depression & ensures a smoother transition into parenthood. 

      Before you sign up for a weekend class to learn effective, proven techniques to enable you to let go of any fear, access deep relaxation during pregnancy & birth, & have a positive birth experience, why not try a FREE Relaxation Download & experience the magic! 

      Congratulations! You're having a baby

      Get ready with our Birth Boot Camp

      What contributes to a good birth? 

      Let's take a look at why preparing for birth is so vital for you, your family & your baby

      Vibrantly U Birth Class - ensures your body, your birth partner & your baby are prepared for the day of your baby's arrival.  The birth of a baby is a beautiful blessing!  Take the time to prepare for this magical experience - it will be the best decision you make for your new family!  

      PANDA (Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia) is a support organization for families post birth.  They truly understand the post natal experience - this information is taken from the PANDA website: 

      Research suggests that at least one in three birth parents will experience their baby’s birth as traumatic.   Contributing factors to post natal depression include:

      Birth disappointment:

      Expectation of a calm & fulfilling labour & childbirth, surrounded by supportive people, with a sense of being in control & feeling respected & heard can be central to your emerging sense of yourself as a good mum. 

      If this is not/or has not been your birth experience, you may feel shame & guilt.

      Some new mums experience there’s self-loathing or critical self-talk. Often there are physical wounds & invisible emotional scars that will take time to heal.

      Traumatic birth:

      Unexpected medical interventions (eg induction, epidural, an emergency Caesarean section), premature delivery, prolonged & painful labour or other medical complications can create a traumatic birth experience. This can negatively affect a new mum & her partner’s emotional & mental wellbeing. Birth trauma recovery is central to the healing process after childbirth.

      How do I give myself & my baby the best chance of a positive birth?

      Preparing for labour & birth helps you have a good, positive birth experience, increases the ease of breast feeding & reduces the possibility of post natal depression.  Preparing for your baby's birth takes time & the best time to start preparing is around 22 weeks of pregnancy.    The Vibrantly U Birth Class will give you & your birth partner the knowledge of what happens to your body during childbirth & what proven tools & techniques you can use before & during labour to really allow you to have a good birth experience.  Your birth partner will know how to keep you calm & relaxed during birth, leaving you feeling confident about the upcoming birth of your baby.   Studies show relaxation increases endorphins (your body's natural pain killers). Mastering relaxation is your most effective technique for easing labor pain. Abdominal breathing & relaxation brings more oxygen & nutrients to your body & baby!

      Childbirth can feel daunting for both you & your partner.  Birth is often feared & is often the one area of having a baby we avoid talking about until the day of baby's arrival. 

      Let me help you prepare for the most amazing day of your life as a new family!  Birth should be celebrated & enjoyed! 

      Why should we prepare for birth with

      Vibrantly U?

      Studies show relaxation increases endorphins - your body's natural pain killers. Mastering relaxation is your most effective technique for easing labor pain. Abdominal breathing & relaxation brings more oxygen and nutrients to your body & your baby.  

      Fun Fact:  Your body is able to form an entire human being - medicine today has still not learnt all there is to know about the human body - and yet your body is forming this beautiful baby all by itself!   Each & ever cell is formed perfectly!  All you need to do is sleep well, eat healthy, drink water & breath! 

      How then do we doubt that your body will be able to birth your baby? That should be the easy part, right?

      Well, the probable reason for this doubt or even fear of birth - could be because women are more likely to share with others their traumatic birth.  Women who have experienced a calm & relaxing birth don't feel the need to share this trauma.  So our perception of birth is skewed - let's face it even Hollywood over dramatize birth!  

      So, if your body is able to form your baby - then surely it is able to birth your baby.  Right?

      Vibrantly U Birth course is designed to give you & your body the confidence to embrace your baby's birth. 

      These proven tools & techniques ensure you & your birth partner are prepared.  Your partner will learn practical techniques to get you into a deeply relaxed state - this will allow you to focus on your breathing while your body takes care of your baby's birth.  

      Let's experiment!  Try this quick challenge to see how amazing your body is when you allow it to function automatically! 

      All you need to do is swallow your saliva!  Notice how when you become aware of swallowing it somehow becomes more difficult.  Yet, we swallow many times during the day & night but are not even aware that we are doing it.   

      This proves to you that when you allow your body to do the things that it is designed to naturally do - it is so much easier! 

      Birthing your baby is a natural & automated body function - all you need to do it let your body do the work - you just need to relax & breath! 

      Your body is able to birth your baby more easily if you are able to totally relax - all the right hormones like oxytocin, relaxin & endorphins are released when you relax! 

      Oxytocin is called the love hormone & is super powerful! 

      So what are you waiting for?  

      What can we expect from attending the class?

      The Program

      Vibrantly U Birth Classes prepare you for a positive birth experience. 

       Studies show relaxation increases endorphins (your body's natural pain killers). Mastering relaxation is your most effective technique for easing labor pain. Abdominal breathing & relaxation brings more oxygen and nutrients to your baby & your body.

      Day 1: Saturday 

      Preparing your body for a positive birth experience


      Your birthing expectations 

      Reasons for preparing for childbirth 

      How birth stories influence our experience of childbirth

      The words we use for childbirth 

      Understanding how language influences our birth 

      Giving ourselves new language for birth 

      What is relaxation?

      Outline your preferences during labour

      Pain relief methods

      Skin to skin contact

      Delayed cord clamping

      What happens to my body during birth?

      Contractions and how they work 

      Parasympathetic & sympathetic nervous system explained 

      Fear-tension-pain syndrome 

      What do I need to have a good birth?

      Breathing & Relaxation 

      Relaxation breathing exercise 

      Deep relaxation practice 

      Breathing through contractions exercise 

      Fear release exercise 

      Fear release 

      Letting go of fear 

      Embracing your body's natural ability

      Time line therapy  

      Practical relaxation 

      Progressive relaxation

      Birth partner - deep relaxation exercise  

      Anchoring script  

      "We have a secret in our culture, and it's not that birth is painful.  It's that women are strong." - Laura Stavoe Harm 

      “A woman in birth is at once her most powerful, and most vulnerable.  But any woman who has birthed unhindered understands that we are stronger than we know." — Marchie Macari  

      “Your body is perfectly designed to grow your baby & to birth your baby.  Trust your bodies ability & enjoy this miracle of nature." - Janay Alexander-Gilchrist   

      Day 2: Sunday 

      Preparing your body for a positive birth experience

      Birth Positions 

      Positions for relaxation 

      Positions for birth 

      Affirmations & Visualization 

      Do affirmations & visualizations really work?

      How can I use them to have a positive birth?

      Prenatal bonding 

      Bonding techniques

      Birth stories

      Emotional well-being


      Light touch technique 

      Perineal massage 

      Pelvic floor health 

      Natural induction & estimated due date

      Natural vs induced labour 

      Science behind due date 

      Stages of labour 

      1st stage of birth 

      2nd stage of birth 

      3rd stage of birth 


      Follow your instincts 

      Breast crawl technique


      Birth plan 

      When something unexpected happens 

      Practical birth plan

      Considering your options for birth 

      Your partner is your champion!

      "In giving birth to our babies, we may find that we give birth to new possibilities within ourselves" - Jon Kabat-Zinn  

      “Childbirth is an experience in a woman's life that holds the power to transform her forever.  Passing through these powerful gates - in her own way - remembering all the generations of women who walk with her.....  She is never alone.” — Suzanne Arms 


      Vibrantly U Online Birth Class

      Currently the Vibrantly U Birth Class is an in-person class which runs over a full day - Saturday & Sunday.

      If we experience a high demand for online classes we will happily look into running these over 4 evening sessions. 

      The online class will be live - as these exercises are practical & most successful when done in person. 

      Please let us know if you would prefer online or live outside of Gauteng and it is difficult for you to attend!


      Let's get a little more scientific & look at the research. We all know relaxation is beneficial for our health & that stress can cause a myriad of health problems. 

      In a study conducted by Mehl-Madrona L.E. (2004) - they found that  women who received hypnosis/deep relaxation during pregnancy had "significantly better" birth outcomes

      (uncomplicated births).

      The Journal of family practice concluded "Our study provides support for the use of hypnosis to aid in preparation of obstetric patients for labour & delivery. The reduction of complications, surgery, & hospital stay show direct medical benefit to mother & child & suggest the potential for a corresponding cost-saving benefit."

      Preparing your body with deep relaxation has far reaching benefits for you & baby, during pregnancy, for birth & most especially after baby has arrived.


      You won't be learning just any kind of breathing!  Research shows....

      “In a study published in 1990 in the Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, researchers observed two groups of pregnant women. One group was trained in regular breathing & relaxation techniques while the second group was trained in the HypnoBirthing techniques. The findings showed statistically significant differences between the groups of women. The HypnoBirthing women had shorter labors, fewer requests for medication, fewer reports of pain, & their babies showed higher Agpar scale readings after birth. In addition, the HypnoBirthing moms reported less incidence of depression & quicker recovery periods postpartum”. (

      Do you need any better reason to sign up for your class?

      Your birth partners role

      So often, the birth partners feel traumatized by birth because they witness the birth but cannot actually do anything to help!  They feel that they are somehow 'in the way' during birth - well this is all about to change in your case!  

      This is one of my favourite reasons for doing the classes - these classes bring you & your birth partner closer together - you will be working as a team. 

      Your birth partner will learn techniques to aid you getting into your deep relaxation. They will be your 'keeper of a safe space' & handle all the things you don't need to think about during the birth.

        Don't just take my word for it - take a look at the testimonials to hear what the birth partners say who have been through the experience themselves!

      Giving you birth partner the opportunity to play an important role in your birth is priceless.  Give the gift of kindness. 

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Let's get your questions answered!

      What happens if I need to have a C-Section?

      Yes, it will most certainly still benefit you. You will still be able to apply all the tools & techniques during your C-Section which will allow you to feel in control of your birth options. Even when having a C-Section, you still have some options open to you - like immediate skin to skin contact with your baby & breast crawl to encourage breast feeding - if you so decide.

      Is this class beneficial after a previous traumatic birth?

      So many mothers are put off birth by a previous experience - it is normal to feel anxious for the second birth if your first was traumatic. We will do work with you during the 2 days to let go of the past experience & focus on this experience - all the preparation you will do will remove any anxiety you may be feeling. Please take a listen to the Swift Families video testimonial below to find out what happened with them.

      Can 1st time parents benefit from the classes?

      100% YES! This class is designed to change your perception of birth. Your body is amazing & is forming an entire human being - all you need to do is eat, breath, drink water & sleep. You are a walking miracle - now we just need to make sure you keep yourself busy with breathing & relaxation so your incredible body can do the rest. Join us for 2 amazing days & walk out feeling confident in your bodies ability to birth your baby!

      Does this replace my normal antenatal class?

      No, not at all. It is still important for your to attend you antenatal classes. Antenatal classes cover different topics of birth: birth intervention, birth complications & post birth care. It will benefit you to attend your antenatal classes.

      Is this a Hypno-Birthing class?

      Vibrantly U Birth Class is an adaptation on Hypno-Birthing. In my experience, with many couples coming through the course over the years, I have realised that each birth is unique & being flexible about your birth will contribute to a positive experience of birth. So, we use many tools & techniques that work well to ensure you feel confident about your bodies ability to birth your baby!

      What is included in the 2 day Birth Preparation Class?

      You will receive a whole heap of confidence about your upcoming birth & also:

      1. Relaxation Scripts

      2. Published book summarizing all the information - Secrets of Confident Birth

      3. You will get the following free downloads:

      Relaxation, Birth Rehearsal, Fear Release, Affirmations for Pregnancy, Birth & Breastfeeding

      4. Birth Plan

      5. Knowledge & confidence

      How much does it cost?

      Vibrantly U Birth Class is R1950 per couple for the full 2 day class & all the material listed above. It's a great price to pay for peace-of-mind & confidence in your body & birth!

      What is hypnosis & will I still be in control?

      In our class we do use deep relaxation techniques - you will still be in full control of your thoughts, body & mind. Being deeply relaxed in a safe environment feels so good you will love to stay in that space to give your body & mind a well deserved rest. Hypnosis is a therapeutic deep relaxation - you will be accessing this deep relaxation to allow your body to birth your baby - while you remain calm & peaceful.

      At what point in my pregnancy should we sign up for a class?

      Ideally, around 22 weeks of your pregnancy is perfect to attend the classes. This gives you plenty time to prepare for your birth. Some of the Downloads you get in class will be beneficial during pregnancy too! Get yourself to a class between 22 & 38 weeks of pregnancy - the sooner the better.

      What times do the classes run?

      Vibrantly U Birth Class runs over a 2 day period - starting from 9am till 4pm. This may sound like 2 long days but trust me, time flies when you are having fun!! You will also take a 1 hour lunch break which is needed time to have a chat to your birth partner. We cover all the practical exercises in the class - it's a hands on practical class that will leave you feeling ready for the birth of your beautiful baby.

      Class Schedule

      Our classes are presented at YogaSteps, Studio, 123 Wekker Road, Moreleta Park, Pretoria Our weekend program runs from 9.30am - 5.00pm on a Saturday & Sunday.  Restaurants are open in the nearby area or bring a picnic basket & enjoy a lunch under the beautiful trees.


      Saturday 20th 

      Sunday 21st


      Saturday 18th

      Sunday 19th


      Saturday 8th

      Sunday 9th

      Meet Janay

      It is a privilege & a blessing to be able help families have a better & more positive experience of birth.  Thank you for allowing me to live an awesome life!  

      “Birth is a time when a woman needs to let go of anything & everything that is holding her back, she just needs to show up for her baby." — Tatiana Sargunas, midwife

      Janay Alexander-Gilchrist

      Member of ANLP, Member of The Association for Integrative Psychology

      I am a qualified clinical hypno-therapist, psychotherapist, hypnobirthing practitioner & master NLP practitioner.  But, essentially - I am a mother, a wife, a daughter & a friend - my passion for helping families have a great start in life is what motivates me! 

      I started my hypno-therapy practice in 2005 in the United Kingdom.  Within months, I had helped many women suffering with post-natal depression.  I began researching why women experience post-natal depression & more importantly, how this could be avoided or reduced.  I was not completely surprised to find; ALL the women who presented with post-natal depression had experienced birth as traumatic. 

      My mission was to find a way to change women's experience of childbirth - I discovered Hypno-Birthing!  Hypno-birthing gave me the tools to help women & their birth partners to really prepare for childbirth.  These proven techniques were so simple & yet so effective in helping parents-to-be, have a more positive experience of birth & in turn reducing the chances of post-natal depression.  

      Birth is a life-changing event & when it goes smoothly it can set you up to have a positive, more enjoyable experience once baby has arrived.  The ripple effects of a good birth penetrate positively into your mental health, your relationships with your partner, your bonding with your baby & your extended family & friends.  

      Preparing for your birth - is, by far, the best gift you can give yourself, your partner & your baby!  

      Your body is a walking miracle!  I'm just here to remind you of that! 

      "We must understand that childbirth is fundamentally a spiritual, as well as a physical achievement. The birth of a child is the ultimate perfection of human love"

      Dr. Grantley Dick-Read

      What do the couples say about Vibrantly U Birth Preparation Classes?

      "I wanted a natural birth and found the Vibrantly U classes online.  My labour took 9 hours with no drugs, no stitches and I felt so relaxed - I actually fell asleep between contractions!  It did hurt, but the pain was bearable and I didn't shout or scream.  I felt in control throughout and gave birth as planned, bending forward in a birthing pool.  I'd definitely do it again."

      Alison Murray, Kenilworth, UK 

      "Janay's book & class encourages you to enjoy your pregnancy, to have a positive approach to labour & birth, & to develop a sound & loving relationship with your baby.  I would like to see a well thumbed copy of this book in anyone close to me who is pregnant or planning a family."

      Professor Shirley R Jones, Professor of Midwifery, Birmingham University, UK 

      "We both wanted to thank you for all the useful tools & techniques we learnt on your course.  They enabled us to have the birth we had planned.  Isabella was born calmly & safely & Pete (my husband) was such a huge part of Isabella's birth, he gently guided me into my relaxation & breathing.  It was truly a bonding experience for both of us all.  We received information from your course that was not available at our antenatal classes.  Both classes proved useful but the tools we got from attending your course were what allowed our experience to be a loving & calm event.  Isabella is so content & we put it all down to the relaxation I did when I was pregnant.  Thank you."

      Caroline, Warwickshire, UK 

      "My baby's birth got off to a slow start - my waters breaking & then no contractions.  I had to be induced.  Once things got going, it was textbook - 6 hours with only TENS & gas & air (and no stitches).  Whilst the birth was tension-full, I remained relaxed.  The midwife was with me throughout but I had to tell her that my son had been born, because I clearly wasn't making enough fuss for her to believe me that he was coming out  My midwife was so impressed with how calm & relaxed I was, she said the next time I have a baby I should have a home birth with a birthing pool.  She commented on how I simply 'breathed' the baby out & clearly didn't need her help.  This calmness & ability to know what to expect from birth I'd attribute to what we learnt with you in the class.  Thank you."

      Danielle, Warwickshire, UK  

      How to get the best from our class?

      Ideally the best time to attend Vibrantly U Birth Class is at around 15 weeks before birth.  This time is used to prepare for your birth experience with the information you gain from the class.   Registering for a class when you are around 25 weeks into your pregnancy is perfect.  

      If you have left it a little late & this is not not the case for you then please contact me to discuss the options for you & your baby.  I would be honored to help.  

      I would not want you to miss out on these amazing tools & techniques - so get in touch!

      Where to find us?

      Vibrantly U Birth Preparation Classes are held at:

      YogaSteps Studio

      123 Wekker Road, Moreleta Park, Pretoria.  

      You are welcome to bring a picnic lunch to enjoy under the beautiful trees in the grounds.  We also have a few restaurants close to the studio for lunch! 

      This will be 2 days to relax & enjoy your self, your baby & your pregnancy & more importantly to prepare for a positive birth experience.  

      We look forward to welcoming you to the class. 

      Contact me: 

      Mobile: 076 604 2228


      Useful Tools for Pregnancy, Birth & Breastfeeding 

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